These funny sites

Hey everyone i know i have this post before, but the reason is complicated. So i have been watching this website that is super funny and it is about these guys called, RhettandLink and they talk about everything. If you laugh easy then will be rolling on the ground. Those who don't laugh easy well then you will be laughing on your seat really hard. Until I find new sites goodbye. Here is what they look like.      
                                               p.s. Soon I might get some new funny sites on here, thus comes the                                                        name "these funny sites"


I have another site that is super funny and it is called, And he does really funny videos, he also does music videos and just is super funny. And he is a great comedian and you will laugh allot. And he is friends with, Rhett and Link, the people i have earlier told you about, but I couldn't get a picture of him like, Rhett and Link. Well I hope I can do some more of these soon. Until next time my friends.


If anyone knows of any good funny sites pleas report of them in the comment section. Thank you and farewell.
Hey guys, I just thought of this comedian group called Studio C and it is the most hilarious thing ever. It will have you rolling on the floor (not seriously speaking) for such a long time. If you laugh easy you'll die, and if you don't laugh easy you will be 9/10 to almost death, but if you have heart problems well then may bee you shouldn't watch it. till next time.
 Studio C